The International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that 44 million women and men 50 and older have osteoporosis or low bone mass. That represents 55% of Americans in that age bracket. That’s a startling statistic, especially if you’re nearing that magic number and are concerned about your own bone health. Knowing about Osteoporosis is one of the best ways to prevent or treat it.
The Silent Disease
Osteoporosis is known as the “silent disease” because it has few symptoms and even those can only be explained in numerous ways. Backaches, loss of height and fractures of the wrist, hip, or spine are some possible symptoms.
Gradual Diagnosis
Osteoporosis doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, many people are diagnosed with Osteopenia first, which simply means the bones are beginning to weaken.
How to Tell if You Have Osteoporosis
The only conclusive way to know if you have Osteoporosis is to measure the density of your bones. This can be called a Bone Mineral Density Test, a densitometry test, or a DEXA scan. The testing is painless and will tell you if you fall within the parameters of Osteoporosis. Many physicians suggest a baseline test around the age of 50 in order to compare it to scans performed later on.
There is good news. Osteoporosis can be prevented or moderated with proper nutrition, weight bearing exercise, and calcium supplements. If you’re diagnosed with Osteoporosis, there are medications that have been developed to prevent further bone loss, and in some cases, reverse it.
In the world of health, knowledge is power. If you are concerned about bone health or considering taking supplements, whatever your age, request an appointment at Sonoran Spine. Our experts are dedicated to providing you treatment made just for you.